Beginning Music Guide: Concerts
What should you expect for your first music concert? What do you wear to a school band concert? A student’s first band or orchestra concert is an exciting time! It is a chance to share with an audience the hard work that the student has put in individually and with the ensemble over time.
A beginning music student can experience many different emotions around the time of a concert, from anxiety and nerves to excitement! For tips on how to prepare for a concert, check out this post! Today’s post will walk you through what to expect at a music concert.
As you approach the concert, rehearsals will begin to hone in on the areas of the pieces that need the most work. Rehearsal will also start to focus on “running” the pieces or playing them all the way through. Prepare yourself by arriving to rehearsal with sufficient stamina and energy.
Dress Rehearsal
The dress rehearsal is a final rehearsal that usually takes place a few days before or the day of the concert. This is a final chance to run through difficult passages and polish the music before the performance.
Concert Attire
Be sure to check with your director about the dress code for the concert. Each ensemble will require a different dress code, but make sure you know what you need so you can buy anything ahead of time.
Also, be sure to check with the director about what time to arrive for the concert. More than likely, you will be required to arrive early in order to warm up and tune. Make sure you allow plenty of time to find the concert hall, warm up and assemble your instrument.
The Performance
If you are performing, make sure you have enough energy to play through the concert program. Don’t wear yourself out earlier in the day or play too much before the concert!
If you are attending the performance, make sure to keep your cellphone off or switched to silent. Be quiet during the performance and if you need to enter late or exit early make sure you do so quietly.
After the Performance
Performing in a concert is an exciting achievement. Make sure to congratulate your student on a job well done. If you performed in the concert, congratulate yourself for your hard work and the achievement of performing for an audience.
Don’t beat yourself up for mistakes, but take them in stride. No performance will ever be perfect. Working hard in rehearsal and showing up for the concert to give it your all is what counts!
These tips will help you to learn what to expect when you are beginning music and have a concert coming up. They are also helpful for parents of young musicians and can be read by parents and students together. For more information on concerts, check out the How to Perform in a Concert post!